We did it again! ScanPro® All-In-One™ Honored with MLA Platinum Award!

Hartford, Wi, January 19, 2021 –e-ImageData Corp, a leading microfilm scanner provider is pleased to announce it has received a platinum award in LibraryWorks' seventh annual Modern Library Awards (MLAs) totaling ten various awards for its ScanPro product line. The ScanPro All-In-One’s existence is the only of its kind in the micrographics industry and proudly offers customers a unique, affordable experience in both research and conversion applications.

"In this new year and unprecedented time, we're proud to continue to provide certainty to our customers that our innovations will continue to exemplify best-in-class features necessary to ensure exceptional user experience and satisfaction. We are elated to once again receive this platinum recognition for our ScanPro All-In-One," states James Westoby, President of e-ImageData.

The multi-award winning ScanPro All-In-One is an on-demand scanner used for lookups and research and converts any film collection to digital files all within one compact unit. After nearly three years since its release, it has been distributed in thousands of libraries worldwide. Its preeminent features are high-speed scanning at 100 images per minute, secure in-house conversion and easy-to-use tools that make working with microfilm easy and fast.

To read this press release in it's entirety, click here!

Schedule a demo today to see the award-winning ScanPro All-In-One in action!

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