e-ImageData Blog

Microfilm Continues to Play a Vital Role in Today’s Digital World

Following the erroneous publication of his obituary in 1897, Mark Twain cabled a message from London to the United States reading, “The reports of my death are greatly exaggerated.” It’s a statement that, more than a century later, could be figuratively sent by microfilm. Though no literal obituary has been published, the…

ScanPro Software Release | Now Available for Free Download!

ScanPro® Software Release

Now Available!

At e-ImageData, we are always innovating and always enhancing our software for our customers. We've had two recent updates and we highly recommend this download…

​Back to school looks different this year but research looks the same

We’ve reached that point in the calendar we commonly refer to as “back to school.” Of course, there’s very little typical about back to school this year – the COVID pandemic has ensured that. Some schools are returning with mask requirements…

Law & Microfilm | A Record-Keeping Partnership

Given the American Association of Law Libraries’ annual conference was held this month (virtually, of course, because of the pandemic), we thought it would be a good reason to take…

Employee Spotlight | Kaycee Jaeger

Getting to know Kaycee Jaeger

Marketing Director

1. Briefly describe your current role at e-ImageData.

As the marketing and communications leader, my…

How Capturing Historical Events Today Preserves Future Generations

As people across the nation counted down the final seconds of 2019, cheering in the New Year – and the new decade – few could have foreseen the turmoil that lay ahead. By March, a coronavirus pandemic had swept the entire globe, including North America.

As that was playing out, May brought us another sweeping news…

Webinar | Discover Your Budget-Friendly Solution to Conversion

Join us for our first webinar in our conversion series!

Preserving History | Memorial Day Serves as a Reminder of Importance

As we move through May, we get closer to Memorial Day, the unofficial start of summer for many. Memorial Day also reminds me of history, of course, given its meaning. It’s not uncommon for people to confuse Memorial Day with Veteran’s Day. Indeed, there are some similarities. Memorial Day, which was originally…

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