e-ImageData Blog

ScanPro Customer in the News

We're always excited to hear our customers talk about their ScanPro® microfilm scanners! Recently, Timmins Museum and the Municipal Heritage Committee presented 'Digital Doors Open Timmins-Porcupine"

The Barriers & Future of Digitizing Records in 2021

COVID-10 has reshaped how many industries operate on a day-to-day basis. With social distancing and stay-at-home orders, industries that have traditionally provided in-person services are now having to rapidly transition online.

How to Write a Grant Application That's Hard to Refuse

Are you curious how to write a grant proposal that wins awarded funds for your non-profit organization? We've got you covered!

Effectual grant writing is the key to success in winning…

Optical Character Recognition Software Helps University Libraries Navigate Interlibrary Loans

University students and professors lean heavily on their library’s resources for their research projects. But sometimes the university library in question doesn't have direct access to key documents. That’s where Interlibrary Loans between Universities and other libraries often come to the rescue. Unfortunately, that research…

3 Exclusive and “Magic” ScanPro® Software Features

Librarians, researchers, archivists and organizations of all kinds benefit from how easy it is to use ScanPro microfilm scanners and their intuitive software features that make it a total snap to scan, save, share and clarify historical documents and records in a wide range of microfilm formats. While there may be other microfilm scanners…

The Importance of Memorializing the Past

Whether we appreciate the fact or not, we are all made of history. Even as we zip around in our modern, electronic world, the very cells in our body, our DNA, and our family connections make up a significant piece of who we are. And as Memorial Day gets closer again this year, more and more people are reaching back, sometimes far back,…

Buy More and Save With A ScanPro® Advantage Membership


We're excited to announce that as a ScanPro customer, you are now able to buy a multi-year ScanPro Advantage…

Your Options When Replacing Your Microfiche Reader

Microfiche archives are a treasure trove of historical information captured in miniature, on flat films that are impossible to read without a good microfiche reader. Many archives and libraries with older microfiche readers are looking to upgrade to newer microfiche readers with more digital capabilities that can serve more researchers…

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