e-ImageData Blog

e-ImageData to introduce the ScanPro® All-In-One™ at ALA Annual

Bringing the first affordable desktop, conversion scanners to the market.

What to Look for in a Microfilm Scanner

Have you been given the task of finding a microfilm scanner for your library, government agency or organization but don't know where to start or what qualities to look for? Don't worry, here is a guide to help you focus on the important things when buying a microfilm scanner.

Image Access Corp. Announces Strategic Partnership with e-ImageData

ROCKLEIGH, N.J., April 24, 2018—Expanding its dedication to providing world class content capture and process automation solutions, Image Access Corp. is pleased to announce its strategic partnership with e-ImageData Corporation. This partnership will bring Image Access Corporation the ability to sell the ScanPro® i9300 to its customers…

Meet e-ImageData's Product Line

Whether you're looking for a standard or a top-of-the line microfilm scanner, e-ImageData has the best microfilm equipment on the market to meet your needs with our full line of ScanPro® products.

Watch to Win!

We are excited to announce that we are going to be a part of Innovations TV show again! This episode will air on April 18th and this time, we will have a contest for viewers! Put it on your calendar and join us!

ScanPro® featured at Cape Giraradeau County

Cape Girardeau County in Missouri has begun the process of protecting their past through various digital means. The value of our historic documents cannot be ignored and we are pleased to see that the ScanPro played a role in their journey.

To read entire story by Marybeth Niederkorn, Southeast Missourian, click below.


The Microfilm Superhero of our ALA MidWinter 2018 Giveaway is...

We are excited to announce that Wanda Brown from Winston-Salem State University is this year's ALA MidWinter Microfilm Superhero winning her school a brand new ScanPro® 2200 with AUTO-Fiche™…

e-ImageData to Give Away ScanPro® 2200 Scan Station at ALA Denver

Attendees can enter the drawing to win a new automatic fiche scanning station at this year's ALA MidWinter Meeting!

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