e-ImageData Blog

e-ImageData Receives Platinum in 2018 Modern Library Awards

The ScanPro® 2200 wins recognition as a top microfilm scanner on market.

Presenting the AUTO-Fiche™ Carrier Video

e-ImageData's AUTO-Fiche Carrier is the newest innovation to hit the micrographics industry. See for yourself what's moving microfiche research into the digital age!

"Selfie with a ScanPro" Contest to Reconvene at ALA MidWinter

Win a new AUTO-Fiche™ Carrier for your organization! Enter our "Selfie with a ScanPro" social media contest!

Announcement: New Product Release

Our newest innovation, the AUTO-Fiche Carrier is now shipping and making its way into the hands of researchers everywhere!

Library Purchases ScanPro Microfilm Scanner

We are always excited to hear when a customer acquires a new ScanPro microfilm scanner to make their research even easier and more efficient! Congrats to Clifton Forge Library in Clifton Forge, VA on their new ScanPro!

Pixel shifting: The Saviour of Microfilm?

At e-ImageData, we pride ourselves on providing the best, most innovative technology on the market. We are honored that DM Magazine wrote an article on pixel shifting emphasizing the importance it plays in microfilm research today.

YALE NEWS: An Anatomy of Sterling Library’s Tailbone

As leaders in the micrographics industry, e-ImageData continues to provide the best technology when working with microfilm. This article by Jordan Culter-Tietjen is a fun read that highlights the importance of microforms and mentions our ScanPro 2000!

ScanPro® featured on NETFLIX Original Series, The Keepers

This docuseries examines the decades-old murder of Sister Catherine Cesnik and its suspected link to a priest accused of abuse.​ Although a grim topic, our ScanPro microfilm scanner is used for research in Season 1, Episode 3- The Revelation.

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