e-ImageData Blog

ScanPro® Holiday Promo

We're keeping our promo going this holiday season! See more clearly with our ScanPro and a free monitor!

Manitowoc Public Library’s Microfilm Machine Makes Research Easier

We love it when our customers rave about their ScanPro, check out this article by Meredith at Manitowoc Public Library featured in the Seehafer News.

Thanks to our reseller, Naviant, for taking care of MPL!


3 Reasons Why You Need a ScanPro® Product Warranty

When it comes to microfilm scanners, the ScanPro model is the perfect choice to meet your needs. Meticulously crafted using high-quality materials, this scanner meets the standards of all professional and institutional organizations.…

We're Finalists Again in the 2022 DM Awards! ***Vote Now!***

We honored to be nominated in 5 categories for this year's DM Awards and need your vote by November 4.

Thank you…

Upcoming WEBINAR | Experience the new ScanPro 500 series line!

Increasing Accessibility to University Students Through the Digitization of Libraries

University libraries are treasure troves of knowledge that many students will utilize during their academic careers. Making them as accessible as possible only serves to benefit those enrolled at the school. Digitizing study and research materials provide libraries the ability to increase student…

e-ImageData adds new Operations Manager to its team


Introducing Ed Hilgendorf

Ed joins e-ImageData as the Operations Manager. He will lead the development, implementation, and management of e-ImageData across the company’s hardware, software, and technical support initiatives. With more than 30 years of electrical engineering…

Digitizing Our History: Why It’s Necessary Now More Than Ever

The duty of an archivist is to protect and preserve the past for its use in the future. As technology develops, the ways in which an archivist fulfills their duty develops as well. Microfilm readers are being replaced by computers. The need for digital versions of archival materials continues to grow.…

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