ScanPro® Software Downloads

You can retrieve your license key and access the latest PowerScan™ software for your ScanPro model below. Be sure to follow the instructions carefully, take note of the "Helpful Tips," and sign up for our "Software Notifications" emails to stay informed about new updates and always be in the know.

GETTING STARTED? If you have just received your new ScanPro, these video tutorials will help guide you through successfully unpacking your unit and installing your accessories so you can start using your scanner. 


Things to know before you get your license key:

  1. Operating systems for ScanPro microfilm scanners:
    Versions, 32 and 64 bit: Win 7 to Win 11
    Your ScanPro is compatible with Windows 11. It doesn't require a dedicated PC. Please ensure you have the latest software installed.
  2. You do not need to uninstall your current PowerScan software before you install a new update.
  3. You may need to update your camera firmware as this update is not automatic. Please click here and follow the instructions to ensure that your camera firmware is up-to-date.
  4. To ensure a smooth download and installation process, please reference the “Helpful Tips” provided below.
  5. After installation, get your license key here:



Download and install your software | Current Version 7.5

Note: Download size is 452MB


    1. Click the "Download" button below and "Save" setup.exe to your computer.
    2. When the download is complete, double-click the downloaded setup.exe file to begin the installation. Follow the screen prompts to complete the installation.




Please Note: As of December 2023, FireWire support has been discontinued. Please contact sales for your latest solution.

    1. Select your ScanPro model from the list below.
    2. Click the "Download" button and "Save" the download to your computer.
    3. Locate the downloaded .zip file and unzip.
    4. Double-click the setup.exe file to being the installation. Follow the screen prompts to complete the installation.

Light bulb

Helpful tips for installing your PowerScan software

While we can't guarantee that you won't have any issues with installation, following these six steps will give you the best chance at a successful, error-free installation.

  1. Ensure that you are logged into the computer as the Local Administrator.
  2. Exit all programs before installing the software.
  3. Disable User Account control before installing software or connecting the scanner.
  4. Disable the Anti-Virus program for installation. After installation, add the PowerScan xxxx folders (C:\ProgramData\PowerScan xxxx and C:\Program Files (x86)\PowerScan xxxx [64-bit] or C:\Progam Files\PowerScan xxxx [32 bit]) to the exceptions list of your Anti-Virus program.
  5. Ensure that you are using the most current USB 3.1 Drivers (where applicable) as provided by Intel (or your chipset manufacturer).
  6. Ensure that your computer has all of the Windows Updates installed.
  7. Install the software before connecting the scanner to the PC.

The following FireWire Card (PC to ScanPro interface card) is highly recommended for use with our firewire ScanPro microfilm scanners: