It's a Digital, Digital, Digital World

There’s no denying that we live in an increasingly digital world. Of course, it wasn’t always that way. History and ancient records were carved into or drawn on stone, then later scribed on scrolls and other various forms of paper. Eventually, we found our way to mechanically printed pages, which were the basis of periodicals, legal records, and business documents for decades. Ultimately, microfilm was utilized as a means for storing and preserving these paper records due to its impressive shelf life of over 500 years, relatively small storage footprint, and low cost. This resulted in many trillions of records having been stored on microfilm.

Today, in this digital age where information must be available quickly, seemingly almost immediately, microfilm has its limitations. So, it is no surprise that the focus today is to convert those trillions of microfilm records to a digital format that is both easy to locate and can provide almost immediate access to its content.

The process of moving information from the different types of microfilm records to a digital format is commonly referred to as conversion scanning or digitizing. A primary issue to be managed in this conversion process is to provide an easy to use and reliable process to ensure that all of the information on the film is completely captured with the highest possible fidelity and all information on the film is accounted for.

Various types of conversion scanning equipment have been around for many years. However, by today’s standards, that older technology is expensive to own, time-consuming and complicated to operate, and doesn’t provide a reliable and affordable solution that ensures complete capture of all the information that has been stored on the microfilm.

Today, cameras, sensors, and technology are much more advanced than what was available with the older conversion scanners. Today’s hardware and software produce the technology that makes it possible for the e-ImageData ScanPro® All-In-One™ to deliver complete solutions when converting microfilm images to a digital format. This product exemplifies the technological advances achieved in recent years.

  • The ScanPro All-In-One, when scanning, looks at each film image and adjusts it for best brightness and contrast. No other conversion scanner on the market has that capability.
  • The All-In-One straightens each film image and crops each film image – never done before.
  • A single ScanPro All-In-One unit can scan all of the common microfilm formats,16mm, and 35mm roll film, 16mm cartridge film, fiche and jacketed fiche, ultra fiche, micro opaques, and aperture cards. No other conversion scanner on the market has that capability.
  • Specialized training is not required to operate an All-In-One microfilm scanner. It is far more intuitive than the older conversion scanners ever dreamed of being.
  • AUTO-Scan Quality Assurance (QA) employs exclusive multi-mode scanning technology ensuring total image capture by eliminating the possibility of missed images during the high-speed scanning.
  • And, best of all, the cost of an All-In-One scanner is a fraction of the cost of the other out-of-date and bulky conversion scanners.

At e-ImageData we are committed to using the best technology to provide a total, economical solution to bring all of your microforms into the digital, digital, digital world.

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